
This term, my pupils are taking part in a Practice-a-Thon, which means that they are practising in aid of their own chosen charity.

You are very welcome to join in! You can find a form below, which you can download and print at home.

What do you need to do?

  1. Choose the charity that you wish to support.
  2. Set yourself a practice target, which is slightly more than what you would usually practise. Make sure that this is a manageable goal though. So, for instance, if you normally practise for 20 minutes on 4 days of the week, try making this 30 minutes, or practise on 5 days.
  3. Find family, friends, neighbours or classmates to sponsor you! This may be a one-off sponsorship, or people might choose to sponsor you per practice session or per minute played, whatever you find practical.
  4. Keep a log and towards the beginning of December, collect your sponsorship and donate the monies raised to your charity.