In order to make purchasing books and accessories easier, I have put together this page, which contains often used materials throughout a child’s or young person’s development on the violin. For violins and strings, please ask Henriette and please don’t buy these online.
For more inspiration, visit my store on Amazon UK
And on Amazon USA
Shoulder rest 1/4-1/2 size violin
Shoulder rest 3/4-4/4 size violin
Music stand: promotes a good posture right from the start
Violin wall mount: Not essential, but makes practising that much easier.
Music bag: keeps the music together and in good condition
Books: Please note that some books come either as a violin book with piano accompaniment, or as violin + CD.
Tetratunes by Sheila Nelson
This book comes as just a violin part.
Stepping Stones by Katherine and Hugh Colledge
Violin and CD – on the left
Violin and Piano – on the right
Waggon Wheels by Katherine and Hugh Colledge
Violin and CD – on the left
Violin and Piano – on the right
Fiddle Time Runners by K and D Blackwell
Violin and CD – on the left
Piano accompaniment – on the right
Fiddle Time Scales I
Grade 1
Fiddle Time Christmas
Violin with CD
Shooting Stars by K and D Blackwell
Violin part – on the left
Violin and piano with online audio – on the right
Grade 2
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